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Discover the Single Most Profound Secret of Exponential Success…The Hidden Formula Behind History’s Greatest Achievements
Whether you seek wealth and prosperity, research breakthroughs, political influence, business growth, or simply popularity, power, and fame, this is the game-changing phenomenon, the powerful hidden force you need to achieve extraordinary success. Uncover the supreme organizing principle of accumulating, accelerating success and learn how to profit from its self-reinforcing, self-amplifying power. Have you ever wondered why sometimes the most ordinary people are able to easily amass vast fortunes, boundless resources, or countless customers, followers, or fans—skyrocketing toward blockbuster success—while other equally intelligent, hard working people struggle to build a base or make ends meet? The Medici Maxim reveals this mysteriously hidden hand of profound potential power. Rather than an incremental step on the journey to your dream, this book unearths a far-reaching, trailblazing phenomenon. It’s a law of nature that takes on a life of its own. It’s a force that, once effectively harnessed, can catapult you to extraordinary heights. The blueprint for achieving exponential success, The Medici Maxim demystifies the invisible power that transforms small advantages into staggering results. Drawing on thousands of hours of research, Harvard and Columbia-trained researcher, Professor Johnny Welch, reveals the hidden dynamics and mechanics behind one of the most consequential success concepts ever encountered so you too can align with and leverage the ultimate force behind geometric success. The Medici Maxim adopts a historical storytelling approach to reveal the 9 corollary principles distilled from centuries of the successful, strategic application of the Matthew Effect—the same actionable principles and practices that transformed the Medici from humble wool merchants into one of the wealthiest and most influential dynasties in European history. Pioneering an unconventional approach to success—while drawing on the wisdom of history and recent social science research—this book unveils the secret strategies the world’s greatest achievers use to activate, amplify, and accelerate their accumulating advantages. In this book, you will:- Discover the principles, processes, and feedback loops that underpin the Matthew Effect and have driven history’s greatest successes; including the Medici family, whose wealth and influence shaped the Renaissance; Napoleon Bonaparte, whose strategic genius expanded his empire across Europe; and Winston Churchill, whose unshakeable leadership altered the course of history.
- Learn how iconic historical figures as diverse as King Louis XIV, Frederick Douglass, Ferdinand Magellan, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Amelia Earhart, P.T. Barnum, Estée Lauder and others exploited various different dynamics of the Matthew Effect to achieve their desires and shape their destinies. Unmask the strategies, tactics, and tools you need to harness the power of this supreme success principle to transform your personal and professional life.
- Sound too fantastic? The truth is this only scratches the surface of what has been demonstrated again and again throughout history. But not without taking action.
Strategists rule the world.
Time and again, history bears witness to how the cunning application of strategic acumen emerges as the defining factor of success.
Now, from Harvard-and-Columbia-trained-researcher Dr. Johnny Welch, drawing on thousands of hours of rigorous research and over a decade of experience teaching graduate courses on leadership and strategy, comes The Strategist Code: The Timeless System of the Titans of Strategy. Distilled from the shared wisdom and insights of the most crafty and shrewd strategic minds in history, this book is your blueprint for becoming a master strategist. Through Napoleon Bonaparte’s 4-Part, 16-Factor Framework for Strategic Mastery—the ultimate roadmap you need to succeed in today’s warp-speed world of fierce competition and chaotic change—you will learn the secrets of history’s master strategists. You will discover the wisdom and insights, the tactics and tools of the titans of strategy and how they exploited the Strategist Code to command and conquer the world.
- DISCOVER the secrets of the strategist mindset and how to marshal it to outmaneuver and outshine those with deeper pockets, greater resources, and better intelligence.
- GAIN greater awareness and insight into the power of disciplined, strategic thinking and, drawing on the wisdom of President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, learn how to think critically under pressure, improving decisions, actions, and results.
- DEVELOP a deeper understanding and new insights into the connection between unlearning, creative rethinking, and game-changing strategy; and how early adopters and innovative, pioneering, and experimental thinkers invariably accrue decisive strategic advantages.
- RECOGNIZE the surprising power but, often, imprudent resistance to simplicity; why it is a critical success factor in war, politics, business and sports and how best to exploit its power without losing what is essential, meaningful, or distinct.
- DISCOVER the cardinal principle of strategic success and why Napoleon Bonaparte was obsessed with it.
- LEARN the formula for forging the synergistic strength of mutually assured success to gain a level of power and influence beyond what any independent leader, entrepreneur, or solo-operator could ever hope to expect.
- IDENTIFY the pivotal importance of agility to the success of great strategists and the critical tactics to employ to best exploit its power.
- UNDERSTAND the supreme importance of effective strategy execution, and drawing on the example of Captain Henry Morgan, discover the seven keys to successfully execute your strategy and ensure the realization of your ultimate chief purpose and goals.
And much more…Gain the strategic edge you need to succeed. Get your copy of The Strategist Code now and begin your journey to becoming a Master Strategist today.

- DISCOVER the secret weapon of the great hustlers and heroes of history.
- UNDERSTAND how to master the power of grit and its seven essential elements.
- LEARN Lincoln’s secrets for overcoming obstacles, resistance, rejection and defeat.
- EXPLORE Roosevelt’s system for becoming exceptional at whatever you determine to do.
- GAIN practical wisdom and insight from the stories of the superstars of success.
- LEVERAGE the surprising insights these legends reveal about what you need to succeed.
- MASTER the strategies, tactics and tools distilled from the celebrated champions of grit.

Master The Magic of Assuming Command, and put yourself on the fast track to power, influence, high-achievement and success.
Are you tired of slogging down the slow road to the life you desire? Do you feel like someone or something is holding you back, but you’re not sure how or why? Imagine you’re capable of much more than you’re currently realizing… In The Magic of Assuming Command, Harvard and Columbia trained researcher, Dr. Johnny Welch—a recognized authority on leadership, power and influence—reveals the strategies, tactics, and conceptual tools of assuming command, wisdom and insights unearthed from the champions and heroes of history, all of which can help you to live an extraordinary life. This system is designed to help you achieve your own most daring dreams and goals. Follow the blueprint in this book and you will:- MASTER the mindset of assuming command, and reap the rewards of increased influence and power.
- DISCOVER the unusually uncommon, yet richly rewarded starting point of success.
- LEARN how to identify and destroy the limiting beliefs and assumptions that hold you back.
- GAIN vital insights into the key makeup of the champion mindset.
- EXPLORE Theodore Roosevelt’s strategies for stealing the initiative, and accruing power, and learn how you can apply his insights in your own area of practice.
- DISCOVER the most dangerous and unexpected mistakes people make when attempting to assume command or seize power.
- UNDERSTAND John F. Kennedy’s tactics, tips, and psychological tricks for overcoming obstacles, pushing past resistance, controlling the narrative, and toppling the status quo.
- LEARN how to exploit the vast potential power of asking for what you want by learning to develop and leverage the bullet-proof ask.
- RECOGNIZE and gain a new understanding of the threat that cultural and societal influences pose to your success, and how to rewrite the rules, and overcome the customs and norms that constrict your thinking, limit your options, and, ultimately, undermine your purpose and goals.

Classic Influence explores the timeless lessons learned from the legends of influence, leadership, and power. Listen in as your host—the Harvard and Columbia trained researcher, author and speaker, Dr. Johnny Welch—works to unearth the wisdom and insights of the hustlers and heroes of history to discover the strategies, tactics, tips and tools you can use to master the power of influence to achieve your own most daring dreams and goals.
For show notes, music credits, sources for quotes, and other works cited, as well as any relevant pictures, maps, graphics, updates and more, visit the Classic Influence Podcast episode pages at
- PODCAST: List of Episodes of the Classic Influence Podcast.
- ULTIMATE LIST OF LEADERS (BY TIME PERIOD): List of Leadership Heroes and Villains from History: Biographies of Famous Historical Figures.
- MASTER STRATEGISTS: List of the Most Famous Strategists in History.
- FAMOUS PIRATES: List of the Most Famous Pirates, Raiders, and Buccaneers: The Power and Influence of History’s Most Infamous Maritime Marauders.
- FAMOUS VIKINGS: List of Famous Vikings.
- CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP: List of Charismatic Leaders: Wisdom and Insights from the Heroes and Villains.
- LEADERSHIP LESSONS: List of Revolutionary Leaders, along with a number of Key Leadership Lessons Learned.
- INFLUENCE MASTERY: The Ultimate List of Influence Strategies, Tactics, and Tools
- ARTICLES: List of blog post articles.
- BOOKS: Finally, please help support our work, and pickup a copy of Dr. Johnny Welch’s books on Amazon.

Mastering the Power of Grit Infographic Poster

The Magic of Assuming Command Guidebook:
This fully illustrated supplemental guide—ideal for leading a mastermind or book study group, as well as your own individual development—is packed with useful exercises and activities, cheat sheet summaries for each chapter, a self-assessment tool, a collection of compelling stories to further illustrate the key strategies, tactics and tools in this book, and much more—all designed to help you further master this material and accelerate your success. Claim your free copy of The Magic of Assuming Command Guidebook now: