Works Cited: References and Notes

Here are the works cited / references for the book Mastering the Power of Grit, by Johnny Welch:
Mastering the Power of Grit: Works Cited & Notes

Buy on Amazon: Mastering the Power of Grit


You can learn more about the book on Amazon: Mastering the Power of Grit: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools from the Heroes of Tenacity, Resilience, and Guts: Timeless Lessons from the Legends of Making Things Happen and Getting Things Done



Full Cover Art for Mastering the Power of Grit

Here is the full cover art for the paperback version of Mastering the Power of Grit: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools from the Heroes of Tenacity, Resilience, and Guts: Timeless Lessons from the Legends of Making Things Happen and Getting Things Done:
